Electronic Media Versus Print Media

While print media refers to newspapers, journals, etc., electronic media refers to television and the Internet . with the stormy advent of electronic media, it is conjectured by many that the print media would soon die out . There are so many factors that go in favour of the electronic media . It is fast and authentic . The use of visuals makes it more appealing and interesting . It can generate more revenues and job opportunities . It is more innovative and offers a variety of options . But in spite of all these advantages, I don't think it can in any way diminish the charm and popularity of the print media . Some very grave drawbacks are inherent in the very nature of the electronic media . It runs all the 24 hours but there can't be enough news to show every moment . 

Thus electronic media tends to be repetitive and boring . Some scandals are projected as news to attract the attention of the viewers . On the other hand, print media is time-tested . One can read a newspaper or a journal at any time and carry it anywhere . It is very much affordable than electronic media . It caters to the needs and interests of all categories of readers . The editorial comments are a storehouse of knowledge . They widen the mental horizon of the reader . We can say that both the print media and the electronic media will continue to exist in their own right . They are not there to compete but to supplement each other . Most of the people in daily lives start with print media and gradually, as the day advances, switch to the electronic media . 

Today, we have numberless TV news channels . They give us instant news from every nook and corner of the world . They keep giving us news for all the 24 hours of the day . They bring us not only the news, but also live pictures of the scene of action . Yet the value of newspapers hasn't diminished in any way . In fact, the readership of almost every newspaper has considerably increased in spite of all the TV news channels . Newspapers today are as relevant to the needs of society as they ever were . While TV news channels merely give us the news, newspapers have a literary value also . They contain the writings of many contemporary writers which can enlighten us and broaden our mental horizon . Newspapers can cater to the tastes of each and every individual . 

Men, women, children, young and old - each one can find in the newspaper a page of his or her own taste . They are of tremendous value for job-seekers, sports lovers, businessmen and students . While TV news are a sort of leaflet, newspapers are encyclopaedic in their character . One can stick cuttings from a newspaper in a scrapbook and thus build up a storehouse of knowledge for oneself . In fact, some people get so much hooked to the newspaper, that they can't go through their morning ablutions until they have a copy of their favourite newspaper in their hand . This shows how relevant the newspaper is for us in spite of the 24-hour TV news channels . 

# Thanks for Reading 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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